The economic benefit of completing a tech certificate at an OTC is clear. Check out potential earnings associated w/full-time employment w/a certificate in just a few in-demand jobs below compared to the baseline earnings of those with a H.S. diploma or equivalent. #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Ohio Technical Centers provide flexible, timely programs that deliver immediate and lasting impact. Training at an OTC & completing an accredited program leads to additional earnings, on average. Explore our programs for jobseekers at BCCAREER.ORG #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Adults looking to earn higher wages should consider an OTC program. After completion of a certificate program, they are equipped for employment in a variety of industries having the potential for improved employment and earnings. More: #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Approximately 724,500 working-age adults in Ohio have not completed a high school diploma (or equivalent). Adults without a high school diploma are at a disadvantage when competing for Ohio’s in-demand jobs. Ohio Technical Centers can help with an Adult Diploma Program for you. It provides job training and a new pathway for adults, ages 20 or older, to earn a high school diploma AND industry credentials aligned to one of Ohio’s in-demand jobs. Learn more at the link in our bio. #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Ohio’s Adult Diploma Program provides job training and a new pathway for adults, ages 20 or older, to earn a high school diploma AND industry credentials aligned to one of Ohio’s in-demand jobs. The Adult Diploma Program was a second chance at a better life for these three women at one of Ohio’s 51 OTCs. Read how they earned their diploma and industry-recognized credentials that led to employment opportunities in this inspiring Real Story, a perfect example of how OTC’s Adult Diploma Program can also help you reach your goals! #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
ANNOUNCING!!! LPN courses starting January 23, 2023 at BCACC! Cost Tuition - $13,800 Books/supplies/course testing/laptop $4,148 TOTAL cost$17,948 Anticipated Salary for LPN $47,480 per year; $22.83 per hour Call today for more information! 937-378-6131 --ext 401
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Approximately 724,500 working-age adults in Ohio have not completed a high school diploma (or equivalent). Adults without a high school diploma are at a disadvantage when competing for Ohio’s in-demand jobs. Ohio Technical Centers can help with an Adult Diploma Program for you. It provides job training and a new pathway for adults, ages 20 or older, to earn a high school diploma AND industry credentials aligned to one of Ohio’s in-demand jobs. Learn more at #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
The Adult Diploma Program at Ohio Technical Centers helps adults earn a H.S. diploma and is free to adults who are 22+, living in Ohio & do not have a diploma or H.S. Equivalence. Discover more at #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Mental Health Technician program- Also known as psychiatric technicians, mental health technicians play a key role in a patient's mental health. Among their responsibilities, mental health technicians may complete patient forms for admittance, lead therapeutic or recreational activities, administer prescribed medication, check vital signs and behavior patterns, and be an empathetic ear for patients who wish to talk with someone. Next class starts August 22nd!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
An Adult Diploma Program meant a second chance at a better life for these three. Read how they earned their diploma & industry-recognized credentials that led to employment opportunities in this inspiring Real Story #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Approx. 724,500 working-age adults in Ohio have not completed a H.S. diploma. Adults without a H.S. diploma are at a disadvantage when competing for Ohio’s in-demand jobs. Ohio Technical Centers can help with your diploma & much more. Learn more at BCCAREER.ORG #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
In 2021, the Ohio Department of Higher Education reported that 81% of adults enrolled in an Ohio Technical Center completed their program. This attainment level makes adults more employable with the ability to earn higher wages! Discover opportunities available to adult learners right here by visiting our website. Link in our bio. #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
According to the Department of Labor, stacking is “part of a sequence of credentials that can be accumulated over time to build up an individual’s qualifications and help them to move along a career pathway or up a career ladder to different and potentially higher-paying jobs.” We often don’t educate jobseekers about the opportunities available to “stack” credentials and other educational opportunities but we should. We know that over time, skills change and so does the job market. Stacking helps individuals have a clear plan in place to be ready to respond and adapt. Ohio Technical Centers are well-positioned to help adult learners attain credentials over and over again. In 2021, the Ohio Department of Higher Education reported that 81% of adults enrolled in an Ohio Technical Center completed their program. This attainment level makes adults more employable with the ability to earn higher wages!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Per @USDOL, stacking is part of a sequence of credentials accumulated over time to build up qualifications to help move along a career pathway to potentially higher-paying jobs. OTCs help adults earn highly employable credentials faster than a degree. #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Ohio Technical Centers have proven results for adult jobseekers! In 2021, @OhioHigherEd reported that 13,777 students earned a credential, a state license or students passed a technical assessment! #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Ohio Technical Centers have proven attainment results for adult jobseekers! In 2021, the Ohio Department of Higher Education reported that 13,777 students earned a credential, a state license or students passed a technical assessment! This attainment level makes adults more employable with the ability to earn higher wages! #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
A recent report by the @EconomicsCenter showed the ROI for earning a certification was clear. The return on investment of a technical certificate is 223.6% after 5 years, 757% percent after 10 years, & 2,071% after 20 years. Full report: #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Check out our August/September class line-up! MA, MHT, Welding and MORE!
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen
Additional earnings potential of adult certificate holders generates fiscal impacts for state and local govts via increased income & sales tax revenue. This generates an estimated additional $74.6 million in tax revenue over 20 yrs, an average of $3.7 million/year. #FastTrackOhio
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Hamblen